California Dental Insurance, Preventing Root Caries Among Seniors.
In a prior post we talked about how seniors have a greater risk for root caries. Although root caries is the major cause of tooth loss in older adults prevention is still the best solution. If your gums have started to recede you should make sure to take measures to prevent root decay. Some ways of doing this is to avoid sweets since sugar will promote dental plaque causing bacteria found on your roots. Dry mouth is also a factor that can increase your chances of getting root decay. Make sure to treat dry mouth if you have it. By drinking lots of water, sucking on sugar free candy or chewing on sugar free gum are some ways to help relive dry mouth.
Make sure to maintain regular dental visits, by doing it will allow your dentist to check for tooth rood decay. Other preventive measures that a dentist can do is gum disease treatment, dental cleaning, and if necessary gum grafts. Also remember that preventive care starts at home by having proper dental and oral health care habits. Brushing you teeth twice a day, flossing daily and using a mouthwash that fights against plaque.